The Black Diamond Apple a rare breed

Black Diamond apples are real and they are only grown in the mountains of Tibet. These apples are a breed of Hua Niu apples which are known as Chinese Red Delicious.

Scientists reveal that the apples get the perfect dark purple colour as they grow on an elevation of 3100 m above the sea level

The Black Diamond apples are purple in colour and they have gleaming and a nice texture.

People assume that the apples are not real as they shine like a diamond. Since the fruit is so exclusive and unique, it is not produced in bulk quantity as it can only be found in a select number of high-end supermarkets around the world.

The fruit is usually sold in gift packages of 6 to 8 fruits. According to China News, the price of these beautiful Black Diamond apples is around 50 yuan per fruit.

Having less information about this fruit only creates doubts amongst readers whether the dark purple apples really exist or the photos circulating online have been enhanced to make the fruit look darker.

Facts about Guru Nanak's Japji Sahib Bani

Japji Sahib is the keystone of the compilation of the most sacred Banis (hymns) of the Sikh Gurus. 
If Hindus have Bhagavad Gita, Islam has Quran, Christians have Bible, Buddhist have Dhammapada, Jains have Uttaradhyayan & Aacharang Sutra then Sikhs have Japji Sahib to trace the entire path of knowing the Divine within through the grace of Divine.
  • Japji Sahib is often uneven in its meter and rhythm because Bhai Lehna (the second Guru, named as Guru Angad Dev, in the lineage of 10 Sikh Gurus) left the original beauty and purity laid by Guru Nanak Dev untouched.
  • Japji Sahib is the first composition to appear in the Sikh holy book, The Guru Granth Sahib. It is known that Japji Sahib’s mool mantra ‘Ik Onkar Satnaam’ was the first ever chant by Guru Nanak Dev after His immersing in Divine for 3 days in the year 1499 A.D.
  • Japji Sahib consists of 1 mool mantra in the beginning followed by 38 Pauris (Stanzas) and then 1 shlok at the end. This small yet precise writing from Guru Nanak Dev is complete in itself to let the seeker immerse in love with God and awaken the state of purity within.
The Mool Mantra written by the Seventh Guru, showing the Ik Onkar at top.
  • Guru Granth Sahib can be stated as one of the most secular scriptures that includes writings from 6 Sikh Gurus, 13 Hindu saints and 2 Muslim saints. In total it has 5,894 Shabads (line compositions) written in 60 Ragas (rhythm & poetic meters). The Granth has 1,430 pages out of which pages 1-8 are Japji Sahib.
  • The mool mantra of Japji Sahib encapsulates the entire Sikh theology and thus Guru Granth Sahib is essentially an amplification of this mool mantra. The mool mantra appears 33 times in the entire Guru Granth Sahib that is symbolic to several meta-physical facts.

Google Replied Like A Shayar To A Man Who Asked Google To Improve Maps

Google is everywhere. And if you don’t believe us, you can Google the fact and check yourself. From facilitating our communications to providing us with any information to streaming endless hours of entertainment to showing us the way to where we need to go, Google does it all. But, even the digital lifeline isn’t always infallible.

We all use Google Maps to get to our destinations and it is one application most of us are thankful for. From giving the traffic details to the best routes, Maps are really a convenient option. Google too, introduces new features every once in a while but it is a common confusion when you are approaching a flyover, whether you have to take it or not. And more often you end up taking the wrong route and have to go ahead, take a turn and come back to get on the flyover. A Twitter user pointed out the same and the tweet went instantly viral, so much so that Google took notice and gave him a reply.

A Twitter user by the name Karthik Arora wrote a tweet addressing Google that the deflection while approaching a flyover is not visible.

Mentioning Google, Kartik tweeted his problem in the most hilarious way and said,

Below is tweet by Kartik:
It was a sarcastically written tweet which was retweeted over 22,000 times. Google’s reply was also innovative as they used a shayari to reply to him.

Twitter users are loving this friendly banter. Google India’s reply is also winning hearts as they promise to get the feature soon. So hopefully, we all should get the feature we have been eagerly waiting for on Google Maps.

Below are some best reactions from Twitter users:

5 Crazy, Bliss-Filled Facts About the Most-Viewed Photo of All Time

5 Crazy, Bliss-Filled Facts About the Most-Viewed Photo of All Time

Who do you think photographed the most-viewed photo of all time? Ansel Adams? Annie Leibovitz? Henri Cartier-Bresson? Nope. In fact, you probably never heard of Charles O’Rear, but his photo, “Bliss,” taken in January 1996 while driving through California’s Napa and Sonoma counties in California, is the most recognized photo in the world.

Here are five interesting facts about this photo:

  1. It’s the default wallpaper photo for Microsoft Windows XP. It is estimated that over a billion people have seen this photo, because it’s what you see as your wallpaper if you own Windows XP, which has been around since 2001 (the last release was in 2008) and was widely adapted.
  2. It was taken by a former National Geographic photographer. Charles O’Rear has worked on assignment for National Geographic and was affiliated with the magazine from 1971 to 1995. In 1978, he was sent to the Napa Valley to photograph the wine region; he developed a long-term interest in the area. “Bliss” came during one of his many return visits.
  3. It is definitely not Photoshopped. According to Wikipedia, O’Rear shot the photo using a Mamiya RZ67 medium-format camera on a tripod and shot it on Fujifilm Velvia film, an emulsion known for its saturated color palate. He took four shots and got back into his truck. O’Rear claims it is a straight shot and was never manipulated. Says O’Rear: “I didn’t ‘create’ this. I just happened to be there at the right moment and documented it. If you are Ansel Adams and you take a particular picture of Half Dome and want the light a certain way, you manipulate the light. He was famous for going into the darkroom and burning and dodging. Well, this is none of that.”
  4. Microsoft may have paid more than $100,000 for it. O’Rear sold the image to Corbis to use as a stock photo; years later, Microsoft chose a version of the image and licensed it from O’Rear. Microsoft offered O’Rear what he says is the second-largest payment ever made to a photographer for a single image. O’Rear signed a confidentiality agreement, but Petapixel reports he was paid at least $100k for its use.
  5. Microsoft paid only $45 to another photographer for an alternative screenshot. While many Microsoft users simply kept the default image, some chose alternative images provided by Microsoft, including “Autumn,” by Peter K. Burian. Burian’s photo was also a Corbis stock shot, but it was royalty-free, and he received a standard $45 licensing fee from Microsoft. (Burian spent 15 years writing about photography for Shutterbug magazine and is a household name to long-time readers of that publication.)

Can You Build a Career as a YouTuber? Here is the answer

 YouTube is a leading platform which has given wings to various artists in different genres. Their wit and creativity have made them big, letting them acquire an essential space on screens as well as in people's hearts.

YouTube has gradually developed itself into a platform for building a successful career, one that is both exciting and creative.

How can you start a career on YouTube?

Well begun is half done! But to begin well, you need a combination of perseverance, patience, loads of enthusiasm, and gradual content development to taste the recipe of going viral.

Here are a few avenues to work upon before starting a career in this field.

1. Selecting the right direction and theme

Before scripting the content, it's essential to decide a particular genre for your channel. Specifications of a genre attract interested users and make it easy for the users searching for the content on a particular genre. Some of the famous themes are beauty, fashion, travel, etc.

2. Make your content speak your heart

It's very difficult to be spotted in a list of millions but there is a key to standout- filter your content with your unique aura. Try to add a personal touch so that your audiences can identify and perceive your ideas.

3. Diversify your content as you grow

Keeping an eager audience entertained is a task but surprising them with fresh content is a blessing. Pamper your audience by spending proper time conceptualising your ideas, writing content/script, and editing it to polish and perfect it.

4. Quality is your companion

Let your ideas showcase themselves as clear as crystal, hence never compromise on audio/video quality. For someone determined to make a career out of YouTube, a good camera is a primitive investment, and for someone just trying a hand can either lend a good DSLR or use a good smartphone camera on a tripod.

5. Awaken the filmmaker in you

Lights, camera, action -- isn't just limited to fancy studios anymore. Good editing and filming can go a long way in increasing the prominence of videos.

Basic knowledge of photography, filming, and editing will be helpful. You can take up some short-term courses in photography and film-making to dip your feet in the pool and level up as your followers' base growth.

6. Be the expert of your field

Now that YouTube is your bread and butter, you should keep discovering, exploring, and upgrading yourself about its interface and features to make the best use of it in your career growth. The platform is changing, so make sure you stay updated by reading up.

7. Design it your way

Your YouTube channel page is like your mirror, it reflects your creativity and your personality. YouTube offers numerous layouts and design templates to facilitate personalisation. So, make the best use of these features to make your page visually attractive and user-friendly.

8. Play the smart name and tags game

Titles should be attractive and should trigger curiosity in the viewer's mind and yet be relatable to one and all. Use tags and keywords to enable your video to be visible in searches and be discovered by more and more people. The right title and tags can shoot up your viewership.

9. Make social media your best friend

Social media serves as a medium for viewers to connect with their stars and feel closer to them. Budding YouTubers should try to be active on different platforms and engage with their viewers to make their content accessible to a larger section of their audience.

10. Keep your fan base happier

Your viewers decide your career's fate. Maintain an active base of fans and supporters to boost your content. Stimulate them with giveaways, interact through live videos or organise 'meet and greets' and see your fan base grow.

How To Make Money Through YouTube:

YouTube is a growing offbeat career with humongous scope, with benefits like the flexibility of work and the oppportunity to express yourself.

You can earn money while you are at it too. Some of the ways you can earn money as a YouTuber are:

1. Partner with YouTube and monetise videos

After winning the hearts of a considerable amount of viewers, you'll get an option to partner with YouTube. The partnership will allow YouTube to display advertisements on your video and you would earn money, every time a viewer views your video.

2. Association with brands

A large active fan base makes you the preference for many brands. Brands then offer you a win-win situation to feature their products in your videos in exchange for monetary benefits and free products.

3. Branding with your own niche

A great way to promote your channel and earn is to collaborate with brands. Recently, Levi's Jeans paired with many comedians and got them to customise their own jeans in whichever way they liked. This trend helped YouTubers promote their own name through the brand.

In a Nutshell

YouTube is a blessing to all those who dream to make it big, displaying their concealed creativity with utmost brilliance. So, if you feel that you have it in you, don't hesitate, just ideate, create and shoot!

Some of the Best Clicks from Punjab

Punjab is a state in the northwest region of India and is one of the most prosperous states. The name Punjab is made of two words Punj (Five) + Aab (Water) i.e. land of five rivers. These five rivers of Punjab are Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, and Jhelum. Only Sutlej, Ravi, and Beas rivers flow in today's Punjab